Configuration Files

This page provides information on the configurability of TetrisFriends.

Below are the configuration files that TetrisFriends ships with. You can find game-configurations here.

# +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |    _____      _         _      ___      _                _        | #
# |   |_   _|___ | |_  _ _ (_) ___| __|_ _ (_) ___  _ _   __| | ___   | #
# |     | | / -_)|  _|| '_|| |(_-<| _|| '_|| |/ -_)| ' \ / _` |(_-<   | #
# |     |_| \___| \__||_|  |_|/__/|_| |_|  |_|\___||_||_|\__,_|/__/   | #
# |                                                                   | #
# | By: Benz56                                                        | #
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Customize various parameters of the TetrisFriends game world.
  # Set to -1 to enable the daylight cycle.
  Time: 6000

  # Valid Environments: NORMAL, NETHER, THE_END.
  # If changed you have to delete the 'TetrisFriends' world and generate a new one.
  Environment: 'NORMAL'

  # Select the schematic you wish to use for the TetrisFriends game cells.
  # If you wish to create your own please follow these instructions:
  # - Execute '/tfa schematic center' and '/tfa schematic helper'.
  # - Build your schematic.
  # - Once you're done execute '/tfa schematic save <name>'
  # Please note that you do not have to use the built-in schematic creator, however,
  # this is by far the easiest way to create your own schematics. It'll highlight
  # areas to look out for, provide you with troubleshooting information as you
  # create your schematic and validate it for you before creating it. It'll
  # also make sure your schematic is perfectly centered when pasted.
  Schematic: 'standard.schematic'

# Set the NoteBlock song that should play while playing Tetris.
# The songs are located in the 'songs' folder. You can add your own .nbs files.
# This requires the plugin NoteBlockAPI.
  Song: 'theme.nbs'

# Determine where the player is teleported to once a game has finished.
  # false: Players are teleported back to the location they were teleported from when the game started.
  # true: Players are teleported to the FixedLocation configured below when the game ends.
  UseFixedLocation: false

  # Set the fixed return-location in the following format:
  #   <world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, <yaw>, <pitch>
  # Pitch and yaw are optional.
  FixedLocation: 'world, 0, 60, 0, 0, 0'

  # If a player for some reason joins in the TetrisFriends world where should they get teleported?
  PlayerJoinLocation: 'world, 0, 60, 0, 0, 0'

# Set the number of seconds a challenge is valid.
  # A public challenge is a challenge all players accept.
    ExpiryTime: 1800
  # A targeted challenge is a challenge created when a player challenges a specific player.
    ExpiryTime: 120

# Select the type of Controls to use.
  # Event-based controls. Will cause a little bit of movement while playing.
    # Determine the milliseconds between each input action when playing.
    # Lower input delay will allow moving the tetrominoes faster, however,
    # may result in accidental movements. Recommended are 120 - 160.
    InputDelay: 140
  # Packet-based controls. Requires ProtocolLib.
  # This option results in a far better gameplay experience.
  # This is the recommended option for controls.
    enabled: false

# By default Tetris Friends saves its data in a local SQLite database file.
# By configuring a MySQL database you can make multiple servers share the same data.
  Enabled: false
  Host: localhost
  Port: 3306
  DatabaseName: database
  Username: root
  Password: password
  MaximumPoolSize: 5

# Update Checker.
# Enable or disable the update checker.
UpdateCheckerEnabled: true

# false: All OPs are notified of a new update when they join.
# true: OPs are only notified if they have the tetrisfriends.update permission as well.
# N.B. any user with the tetrisfriends.update permission is notified; OP or not.
UpdateCheckerPermissionOnly: false

Please note that some configuration files might not be 100% up to date due to updates.

Last updated

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